Featured on the Front Cover of Advanced Science >> Read the latest research article from NEET Living Machines Lead Instructor Dr. Mehdi Salek - 'Multiscale Porosity Microfluidics to Study Bacterial Transport in Heterogeneous Chemical Landscapes'

Featured on the Front Cover of Advanced Science >> Read the latest research article from NEET Living Machines Lead Instructor Dr. Mehdi Salek - 'Multiscale Porosity Microfluidics to Study Bacterial Transport in Heterogeneous Chemical Landscapes'

The NEET Community

In the New Engineering Education Transformation, we are strongly committed to promoting diversity and inclusion within our Community. We believe that our students, instructors, faculty, and program as a whole thrive when we embrace the diversity of different perspectives and experiences based on ethnicity, race, religion, social and economical backgrounds, disability, sexual orientation, and national origin. We best serve the interdisciplinary and global educational missions of NEET and MIT by embracing and nurturing the diversity of our Community. 

  • MIT NEET Scholars (Students)


    Our scholars are the cornerstone of the NEET community. They come from almost a dozen different majors at MIT spanning the Schools of Engineering and Science. They are highly motivated individuals that strive to get the most out of their time at MIT. They are driven to become the best engineers and scientists that they can be.

  • MIT NEET Faculty & Instructors

    Thread Faculty & Instructors

    Each thread is lead by a team of passionate MIT faculty and instructors who are at the forefront of the technologies that the thread revolves around. They define the technical scope of the thread and are directly engaged with the students on a daily basis from lecturing, hands-on tutorials to socials and industry visits.

  • MIT NEET Leadership - Babi Mitra and Mark Bathe

    NEET Leadership

    NEET is lead by a group of MIT staff and faculty that are dedicated to advancing engineering education and are tested leaders in their field. They are scientists and engineers by training with experience in leading world-class engineering programs. Using their insight, they define the long-term vision of the program as well as the focus areas of the threads.

  • MIT NEET Partners


    NEET is a collaborative effort between multiple MIT departments, industry and other world-renowned international engineering academic programs.