Meet Sarah E. McCullough

NEET Communications Officer

Gregory Long, Ph.D., is the Lecturer and Lead Technical Instructor of the NEET Autonomous Machines thread at MIT, where he currently teaches design, fabrication, control, and programming of robotic devices and autonomous machines. Dr. Long has taught mechanical engineering design, mechanism design, dynamics and controls, and a variety of mathematics courses for over three and a half decades.


Dr. Long received his doctorate degree in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics with an emphasis on robot mechanics from the University of Pennsylvania, where he worked in the GRASP Laboratory with robot kinematics pioneers Richard Paul, Vijay Kumar, and J. Michael McCarthy. 
He has published research in robot mechanics and engineering education, and he has a textbook entitled "The Fundamentals of Robot Mechanics."

In 2023, Dr. Long received an Outstanding Contributor Award presented by Dr. Anantha Chandrakasan, Dean of the MIT School of Engineering, for going above and beyond in his teaching. From helping students with administrative issues to guiding students in finding an internship, Dr. Long is always dedicated to maximizing his students' experiences at MIT.