Featured on the Front Cover of Advanced Science >> Read the latest research article from NEET Living Machines Lead Instructor Dr. Mehdi Salek - 'Multiscale Porosity Microfluidics to Study Bacterial Transport in Heterogeneous Chemical Landscapes'

Featured on the Front Cover of Advanced Science >> Read the latest research article from NEET Living Machines Lead Instructor Dr. Mehdi Salek - 'Multiscale Porosity Microfluidics to Study Bacterial Transport in Heterogeneous Chemical Landscapes'

NEET Virtual Info Session

Welcome to the first-ever NEET virtual info session! Please take a few minutes to watch the specific thread intro videos you are interested in, and then please feel free to RSVP for one of our live Q&A sessions with the faculty and instructors from that thread. Meanwhile, don't forget to visit the specific thread page to learn more!
Click through to see the sessions for all 5 threads!

1) Advanced Materials Machines

Explore the novel materials, technologies, and processes that will define the future of fabrication and manufacturing. 

Live Q&A:

All scheduled sessions have already occurred, but follow us to learn more about upcoming summer sessions.

2) Autonomous Machines

Design, build and deploy electromechanical systems, electronics, software, and autonomy algorithms for real-world robots. 

Live Q&A:

All scheduled sessions have already occurred, but follow us to learn more about upcoming summer sessions.

3) Digital Cities

Prepare to plan and build the cities of the future by immersing them in the emerging intersections of computer science and urban planning.

Live Q&A:

All scheduled sessions have already occurred, but follow us to learn more about upcoming summer sessions.

4) Living Machines

Focuses on the areas of biotech and medical devices. The projects spanning the three years cover a variety of cutting-edge research topics including body-on-chip technologies, the microbiome, DNA data storage, quantum computing for biology, and microfluidics. Choose from five different specialization tracks including device engineering, immunoengineering, synthetic biology, tissue engineering and computational biology.

Live Q&A:

All scheduled sessions have already occurred, but follow us to learn more about upcoming summer sessions.

5) Renewable Energy Machines

Combat climate change by designing and building green energy production, conversion, storage, and transmission systems. 

Live Q&A:

All scheduled sessions have already occurred, but follow us to learn more about upcoming sessions.